Tag Archives: attention

Why “not doing” is the solution!

Wow! After a beautiful evening meditating with friends led by a very special and wise soul and then returning home and just hanging out with four very calm equine souls peacefully enjoying their evening grass, I just had the most exhausting experience.


I made my way to a certain, well known social media site and as I flicked through there were lots of articles and posts relating to people what they can “do” and what they can “do for you” and how they can solve all your problems if you just “do what they tell you to do.” It felt pretty aggressive and in your face too. After all that meditation and wonderful experience with the horses it was like – phewie – how exhausting!?!

So many people (myself included once and sometimes still) think the solution to our problems comes from doing, from mustering up energy, putting up a fight and bulldozing your way through. Or maybe the technique is negotiation, or it is this angle, or it is that – whatever it is, I am sure you can find yourself a “guru” that will “solve” it for you.

If the purely “doing” technique worked – and if it is as effective as these super-confident people promise – I’m pretty sure we’d have fixed all our problems by now – because they make it sound so easy right? What they don’t tell you is that as soon as you have fixed that problem, another one will come up and you’ll feel compelled to battle your way through that one too, and then another and then another and so on – before you can reach – well what? Success? Financial stability? Recognition? Acclaim? Often these “super guru’s” don’t say!

The truth is, they are often locked in themselves to a perpetual cycle of problem – fix – problem – fix – problem and they are just selling your their own delusion (trust me – I work in the industry – this really happens). Well all I can say is they must have a lot more energy than me, because I couldn’t do it.

I strongly suspect that our solutions actually come from “not-doing”. By that I mean not resisting, not pushing away and not trying to “fix”, but allowing, being present and aware of and allowing the things to happen, happen and allow them too to just go away.

Surely not you say?

No-thing is for-ever and with all things in life, things will come and go – including us and our time on this planet.

Instead I suggest you reconnect to the “not-doing” part of yourself, and maybe just maybe don’t even try to fix that “problem” – maybe just let it be. From that you may well find yourself drawn to a particular solution one way or another – but this time it has come from the quiet infinite space inside of you rather than from a “guru” that is promising to “fix” you. You are not broken, you never were. What you are going through is what you are going through right now – nothing less, nothing more – you are moving through it whether you want to or not.

Save your energy I say. Inspired action doesn’t feel like “doing” at all – it is be-ing. May I suggest that all your solutions come from being, accepting and allowing. Be-ing compassionate; be-ing kind; be-ing thoughtful; be-ing loving; be-ing honest; be-ing fair; be-ing courageous. Notice how different the energy for those kind of things are? For me they are much more attractive and grounded.

Don’t take my word for it though – try this for yourself. Tell me, what are your experiences? I know what I will be putting my focus and attention on more from now on.